Paul Velten is the new Director Finance and Corporate Support at Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne - Fisher Leadership

Paul Velten is the new Director Finance and Corporate Support at Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne

Paul Velten is the new Director Finance and Corporate Support at Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. Mr Paul Velten is a qualified accountant/financial administrator with over 30 years of broad and industry specific experience in senior finance and executive roles. Most recently he fulfilled a dual role as Business Manager for the Diocese of Sale and Deputy Director Business Services in their Catholic Education Office with jurisdiction over 36 Primary and 7 secondary schools.   Paul was accountable for the CatholicCare Gippsland amalgamation with CatholicCare Melbourne, standardising financial reporting for the parishes and converting them all to Parish Online. In his role with Catholic Education Paul established centralised services for primary schools in the Diocese and was accountable for a change of Governance model. Earlier in his career, Paul undertook senior roles within a commercial environment in logistics and retail services, consulting and as Business Manager at Sacred Heart Mission.

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