Leanne Raven is the new Chief Executive Officer at Crohn’s & Colitis Australia - Fisher Leadership

Leanne Raven is the new Chief Executive Officer at Crohn’s & Colitis Australia

Leanne Raven is the new Chief Executive Officer at Crohn’s & Colitis Australia. Leanne was the Chief Executive Officer of Red Nose for over ten years and oversaw an annual revenue of $8 million, 70 staff across 6 sites and 1,500 volunteers. During this time, she led and successfully implemented the merger and rebranding of the National SIDS Council of Australia (NSCA) and SIDS and Kids Ltd to Red Nose. She also held board positions in primary health care as the Chair of Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local and a founding director of Eastern Melbourne PHN.

Previously, Leanne built a successful practice whereby she marketed her services and successfully completed many projects and contracts for commercial and NFP organisations in the health, disability and child care sectors. She also led a search to find new owners and funding for an early intervention centre for children with developmental delay that was to be closed. State government funding was secured for the new owners (300K per annum) and the centre continues to operate today. Prior to this, Leanne was CEO of the Nurses Board of Victoria where she had an annual revenue of $10 million, 40 staff and 70,000 registrants.  She led the organisation as a start-up, implemented the first public online register of health practitioners in Australia and grew the equity in the organisation.  When the organisation moved into the national framework for health practitioner regulation, an $8M research fund for Victorian nurses was established.  Leanne is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of the Sunshine Coast and in 2013 she received the Victorian Business Innovation Award at the Telstra Business Women’s Awards.

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