Secretary to the Treasury and Chief Executive
The Treasury is the Government’s principal economic and financial advisor. Its work improves the wellbeing and prosperity of all New Zealanders by ensuring the nation’s macroeconomy is stable, and by enabling a high performing State sector.
The Treasury is working in partnership with others to improve the wellbeing and living standards for New Zealanders. The Treasury is taking a new approach and direction to how the public sector will influence the macroeconomic and fiscal system. It manages the Crown’s finances and balance sheet, and influences institutional and regulatory policy.
The Secretary to the Treasury and Chief Executive (Secretary) of the Treasury leads the co-ordination and alignment of national economic and financial policies and strategies, and leads the department in pursuit of the Government’s goal of improved wellbeing for New Zealanders.
We are looking for a highly experienced executive leader who will work collaboratively to build and maintain a partnership approach with Public Service Chief Executive colleagues, agencies and the Reserve Bank in achieving the Government’s goal of improved wellbeing for New Zealanders. The Secretary will be a trusted advisor to Ministers and will also have executive experience at managing a complex operating environment which influences the New Zealand economy. The Secretary will be both an expert in financial and economic policy leadership and  state sector management and strategy.
If you think that you are the right person for this vital role, an application pack can be downloaded from For further information or a confidential discussion about this position, please contact Jo Fisher at Fisher Leadership on +61 418 473 478 or Mira Bacelj at Fisher Leadership on +61 437 771 424.
Applications must be submitted to by 5.00pm NZ time on the 24th February 2019.
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