Social Services Regulator - Fisher Leadership
Close Date: 15/10/2023
REF: DFHssr0823
Applications for this listing are closed

Social Services Regulator

Close Date: 15/10/2023
REF: DFHssr0823
  • Operationalising a significant reform – a strengthened regulatory framework for almost 1,000 Victorian social service providers.
  • Implement a new scheme that protects Victorian social service users from harm and abuse, and promotes their dignity and agency.
  • Lead the establishment of the office of the Regulator, including leading change management, organisational culture and business processes.


The Position

This newly created position will play a critical role in implementing the Social Services Regulation scheme. The Social Services Regulation scheme is being established to help keep Victorians who use social services safe from harms such as abuse and neglect. Implemented by the Regulator, the new scheme will create a safer environment for Victorians who access social services.

The Regulator will also enforce the Child Safe Standards regulatory scheme for social service providers.

The Social Services Regulator role offers an exciting opportunity to implement a new scheme to maximise its effectiveness at safeguarding Victorians. This will include leading and shaping the culture of the office of the Social Services Regulator, developing its approach to regulation, and establishing and maintaining effective relationships with a broad range of critical stakeholders across the social services sector and beyond.

This is a unique opportunity to articulate a clear, holistic view of the purpose and objectives of a regulator, develop regulatory craft and practices, and drive and deliver a best practice approach to social services regulation. The Regulator will have a broad range of compliance and enforcement tools across both the social services scheme and the child safe standards scheme, enabling a flexible, timely and proportionate approach to regulatory risk.

The role requires a principled and dynamic leader who can work constructively with the sector and with government, and is committed to improving outcomes and safeguarding the rights of service users – at both an individual and systemic level.

To be successful you will demonstrate highly evolved leadership capability coupled with extensive senior level experience in regulatory practice.

The Regulator may hold office for a term not exceeding 5 years. The Regulator will be appointed via Governor in Council on recommendation from the Minister.

Further information about the position is contained in the Candidate Information Package available to download below.

For more information go to


Applications close:  Sunday 15th October 2023


To apply – Please click on ‘APPLY NOW’ and using reference DFHssr0823, address your cover letter and resume to Kate Wheeler or Pauline Gates of Fisher Leadership, or call 1300 347 437 for further information.


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