Professor Peter Rutledge is Head of School, School of Chemistry at the University of Sydney - Fisher Leadership

Professor Peter Rutledge is Head of School, School of Chemistry at the University of Sydney

The Fisher Leadership team was delighted to partner with the University of Sydney in the appointment of a new Head of School, School of Chemistry.  The School has an international reputation for excellence in research, and consistently ranks among the top chemistry departments nationally.  This important position therefore requires a highly respected and collaborative academic with a wide network of established relationships, in addition to the strategic leadership skills to set, communicate and achieve faculty goals and strategies at the school level.

Following an extensive international search, Professor Peter Rutledge was appointed to this key role.  A Rhodes Scholar with over 25 years’ academic experience, Peter brings international academic and professional standing in organic, biological and medicinal chemistry, obtaining significant competitive research funding from sources including the Australian Research Council and NHMRC.  Peter is the recipient of a number of awards for teaching, supervision, innovation and excellence and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and was named the Royal Australian Chemical Institute’s Chemistry Educator of the Year in 2012.


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