rtonacia@futureleadership.global, Author at Fisher Leadership

The Future of School Strategy: A new method for Principals and Boards to plan for the unknown

A new method for Principals and Boards to plan for the unknown. Dr Amanda Bell AM, Advisor at Future Leadership, discusses trends-based futures planning for schools. Just as the trends impacting a sector shift and change, grow and ebb, so too do the possible futures developing as a result.

A Masterclass in Intentional Governance Leadership

The AHISA Biennial Conference at the Gold Coast in September, provided us with an opportunity to encourage the Heads of independent schools to consider intentionally applying their leadership skills at a governance level. The participant evaluations following the session concluded that further professional development was needed for Heads in this area.

Kate Wheeler awarded AESC’s 2023 Commitment to the Community Award

The Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC) recognised Kate Wheeler, Partner, Social Impact Sector at Fisher Leadership, with the AESC Commitment to the Community Award.

Building Collaborative School Communities

Schools are increasingly the default hub for community connections, where once it may have been the place of the local church parish, the Country Women’s Association or other established community organisations. As a result, schools have an opportunity to take the lead and revisit how they engage, with whom and for what purpose.

Leading Educational Strategy: A Capability vs Competency Approach

Here's three things that impact a harmonious co-existence of public and private schools. Small steps in positive partnerships will help to ensure we deliver the best education to every Australian child.

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